Sunday, November 11, 2012

Healing Ministry to Children

“My child is angry, can you help me?!  That was my first request to counsel a school age child.  It was apparent that our usual interview techniques and  approaches to healing prayer would be ineffective.  Children have such short attention spans, and they have their own agendas.  Counseling adults is complicated enough, how would I ever reach into a child’s heart and mind and find the issues that are truly holding them captive?

I was stimulated by the wonderful book, Dibs.  I was inspired to believe that if through the medium of play a child’s spirit could be called to life without prayer, then I had life transforming tools at my fingertips.  As I prayed, read, and consulted with a kindergarten teacher, the Lord led me to set up a play area in one corner of my office utilizing garage sales and thrift stores!

Through the use of hoola hoop, they learned that we have a right to set boundaries and how to politely share those boundaries with others.  Using the Feelings Puzzle (red blocks represent angry feelings, yellow is afraid, blue is sad, and green is happy), the children could tell me how they were feeling as soon as they entered the room.  Sometimes, their happy (green) feelings were encased in the angry red blocks and that was the only way they could share that things had been tough that week.  The similarly colored play dough allowed them to work out those feelings with their hands, and at times they participated incredibly with the Holy Spirit as they played with that colored clay.

In the sand box (a 2 x 3 foot Rubbermaid tub), they dramatized their fears, offences and pain using plastic characters, animals and objects.  Without any direction, they talked to me with dramatic action.  When the child figure is surrounded by wild animals, we could pray and ask God what the child needed for safety.  Jesus would enter the sandbox and shine His light into the dark places.  At times, the children would deeply bury the figure representing the person who hurt them.

Using animal puppets and creating their own script, they gave me repeated messages of rejection, abandonment, abuse and other wounds.  It amazed me how quickly the children disclosed their issue with the sandbox, puppets and drawing pads. 

A little girl watched her daddy divorce and remarry.  A doll house became the vehicle where she expressed her desire to have daddy come back and live with them again.  Week after week, she put daddy back in the house in her mother’s bed.  We prayed for her healing until one day she created a happy house that contained herself and her mother and Jesus.

I was absolutely convinced of the anointing on Play and Pray Therapy when a six-year-old girl made a green (happy) baby out of play dough and wrapped the baby in a blue (sad) womb.  Then she put a speck of yellow into it too.  “Sad is in my family more than mad,” she said.  Together we talked to Jesus and she boldly asked Him to heal the little baby and make her happy again.  We asked Him to absorb the fear and sadness.  As we prayed, she transformed the play dough around the happy baby.  The mother later confirmed that she had been depressed and afraid during the pregnancy.  The child was not finished until she had taken the unlabeled purple play dough and covered the womb and the baby in the purple, calling it forgiveness.  Jesus had led her by the hand and walked her through prenatal healing!

By Della Headley

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